Saturday, 30 August 2014

Foundation & bbcream review 

lasting perfection
60 kr

 review: I bought this foundation because i was extremely pleased with their collection concealers. This foundation is reasonably priced and it has decent range of colours and it has a pretty good coverage. my foundation colour is usually ivory in the whiter and beige in the summer, i bought this in the palest shade they had and it still looked slightly  orange on me which i found a bit strange when  it looked so pale in the bottle. I wouldn't say this foundation lasts for 16 hours, but have combination skin and this foundation had a tendency to look oily around my t zone, and sometimes i would get break outs. 

conclusion: if you are looking for a cheap foundation and have dry skin i think this would be a good foundation for a reasonable price. This is a foundation for the summer time, whit its slightly orange tint this will not be suitable for whiter pale skin. this foundation looks great whit a glittery bronzer as a contour to give you that proper bronze goddess look.

How to apply to achieve best results: this foundation is best applied whit the real techniques makeup sponge, apply a few dabs of it on your face and blend it out whit using small gentle dabbing motions and use the pointy tip to get it properly blended around nose and eye area. 

Remember! after using makeup tools on your skin its important to clean them or have an anti bacterial cleansing spray to spray on your tools after  use. if you use your hands make sure to clean them whit anti bacterial to prevent any contamination so you don't break out next time you use them!

stay matte

review:This foundation has a mousse texture and great coverage, and a decent colour range for a high street foundation. Boots and Super drug has often offers on this foundation.  However i would say this foundation is for someone whit oily skin because mouse foundation has a tendency to dry your skin out. If u do have combination skin it can still work if you scrub and moisturise your face before applying this foundation. If you have dry skin this is a foundation you should stay clear off. This foundation can also be quite tricky to blend in to your skin. but again if you have oily skin and love a mat duvet finish whit a full coverage then this is the one for you. 

conclusion:this is definitely a whiter foundation, gives you the flawless porcelain look and it looks great whit a strong highlighter and red lips for a whiter look. 

How to apply to achieve best results: For this foundation i would just use my fingers to apply, since this is a foundation that is hard to get even and blend out. The heat of your fingers will melt the foundation in to your skin making it look more even, use the real technique contouring brush to get to the creases of the nose and eye area to blend it out. 

Garnier bbcream
70 kr

review:This bbcream is probably Norwegian womens favourite as it was one of the first bbcreams to hit the high street over here and was massively hyped up. I bought this as an easy quick cream to slap on my face when I'm in a hurry or when I'm just home and feel like not looking like an absolute zombie. This again is something that suits me more in the summer as it has slight tint of orange in it and my skin has more of a yellow tint to it. i personally feel  that i need to add some high lighter under my eyes and sometimes a concealer and powder to cover up blemishes as this is more sheer.

conclusion:this is more suitable for girls whit dry skin, it can get a bit oily around the tzone and you need to reapply powder often. this is a good foundation for a quick fix for a more even skin tone(not for any coverage) to use in the summer for days where u want more of a natural look like on the beach.

How to apply to achieve best results: This foundation is good to apply whit the real techniques buffing brush to proper work it in to your skin for a natural finish. you can get a great brush set from real techniques  whit all the brushes you need for 220 kr. 

Rimmel wake me up

review: i know this foundation has had mixed reviews in the beauty world, but Oh my goodness i love this foundation so much.  The colour for the first time ever, actually suits my skin perfectly. It gives off a glowing refreshed youthfull look whit tiny particles of glitter and shimmer. It also has great coverage and it hides away pores and blemishes and leaves your skin looking picture perfect. basically what the foundation says it will. Another bonus whit this foundation is that it has spf 15, which is great for the summer so you don't have to worry about applying suncream before foundation. 

conclusion:If you are sensitive for scented stuff, this might not be your cup of tea as it has a slight perfume scent to it. I personally like that smell because it makes me feel even more refreshed, it also has a bit of shimmer so if you are looking for a matt finish then this is not for you. This is a foundation you can get away whit all year a round and it has a decent price and easy to get a hold of. This foundation looks great to use whit the sleek contouring palette which has a matt finish to it, use some of the highlight in the pallet on your cheek bones and nose bridge for a even more glowing look. 

How to apply to achieve best results: Whit this foundation i would use a stippling brush for a light even foundation. The consistency isn't as thick in this one so you only need to use a light hand to get an even glowing look. I got my stippling brush from elf, cheap and it does its its job. 

Bourjois happy light 
100 kr 

review:i bought this foundation after hearing so much about it on youtube and people talking loads about their lip products so thought i would give it a go. i was originally going to buy the healthy mix foundation they have but then i saw this, after being so happy whit the rimmel one i thought this was worth a try.  i usually use this whit their happy light primer. it has a nice coverage and it blends well in whit your skin, after being exposed to oxygen this foundation changes colour and adapts to your skin but just as u put it on it might look a bit off but that changes quickly, it also has a pleasant scent and it stays on all day. 

conclusion:for me this is probably as pricy i would go in a foundation since I'm an every day user but it does give your skin a youthful glow, probably not as much as the rimmel one but this has more of a matt glow to it while the rimmel one has more shimmer and sparckles. its not my favourite but this one can suit pretty much any skin type and it does what it says.

How to apply to achieve best results:
this one i would use the real tecnuiqes makeup sponge to create flawless looking skin, this sponge is great to get in to creases and corners to blend out if needed. 

Max Faxtor
whipped creme foundation
150 kr

review:i came over this foundation when i did a spot of shopping at H&M, and they gave me a sample of it. As soon as i got home i tried it on and it was just my skin tone, as i often struggle to find on the high street. It also did not get oily at all after a full day of usage, which is another thing i usually struggle whit when it comes to mouse and cream foundations. They have a big range of colours and it had a full on matt finish.

conclusion:This is probably the foundation whit best coverage out of all of the foundations i have reviewed. It stayed on all day and suits all skin types. The only bad thing i would say whit this foundation is the smell, it has a weird smell i can't put my finger on...slightly marzipan smell to it which i don't perticully want to smell it on my face all day, but the smell fades after a little while. Other than that i love this foundation. This is a foundation perfect for clubbing, stays on all night even if you break a sweat and its pretty much smudge proof. 

How to apply to achieve best results: This foundation is best to apply whit fingers as u would whit a moisturiser. just remember to have clean hans to avoid any bacteria.

the body shop 
all in one bb cream
225 kr 

review:This product has a ridicules price, but i was intrigued, so i bought it on a half price sale. Its not much product you get tho, for the price you pay. Its one of the better bbcreams i have tried, and it gives a medium coverage. It comes out as a white cream and as you rub it in to your skin it adapts to your skin tone, it has a pleasant smell and gives off a slight glow so u look refreshed, and its no need for powder whit this one. If you want more of a full coverage then i recommend it whit a matt powder from body shop. 

conclusion:I feel like after using it all up i could see a difference in my skin and i had less breakouts after i stop using the cheaper foundation, i guess you get what you pay for? all skin types can use this bb cream and its a all year around one for days you want more of a natural look like maybe for school,work or if you are in a rush. 

How to apply to achieve best results: This i would apply gently whit the tips of my fingers in a circular motion to work it in to the skin to achieve more of a natural to medium coverage. 

all these foundations are bought in england except the body shop bbcream and the max factor wipped cream

so the prices that are listed are based on uk standard 

kristine xx 

Friday, 29 August 2014

MY tattoos

pain level & 
stamping out the persistent myths and misconceptions about tattoos 

I'm going to answer the most common questions i usually get, then talk a bit about my tattoos and the pain level of each body part. And at the end add a bit of cheeky history lesson about bodymod. 

Does it hurt?
Yes, its a needles penetrating your skin. Depends where but its ether an umcofertable feeling or just horribly painful, also depends how long the tattoo takes.

do all your tattoos have a meaning?
In some degree yes, depends who u ask, for me they all represent a part of my life, or a memory. I have a tendency to get a tattoo after changes has happened in my life as an ending to it and for a fresh new start.

where did you get your tattoos done
renaissance tattoo london 
a random tattoo studio at the canary islands
crappy tattoo studio in camden i can't remember the name of
black cat ink krokstadelva
leading light drammen
starlight drammen

is it expensive?
Yes, really expensive. But if your getting a tattoo, don't try to save money. you get what you pay for usually. Like me, made a massive mistake by getting my hand tattood at a random studio In Camden In London, huge mistake, had to redo it again whit my usual tattoo artist and ended up paying twice as much.

Is it all just to get attention?
No, in fact it has noting to do whit that, I'm an introvert person, i do not like attention of any kind or people looking at me. my tattoos are for me and its my way of decorating myself. 

and the last one is not really a question but its an assumption people make

you must be kinky or slutty
No I'm not,I'm quite shy and I'm a happily engaged girl and again has nothing to do whit me wanting to show my body off, i actually usually cover myself up more when i go out just so i can walk around whiteout people staring.

My tattoos and pain level 

Ok so i have around 20 tattoos. I'm going to start off whit my least painful tattoo and work my way up to what i personally think was the most painful, I'm also going to give it a pain level chart, 1 being not painful to 10 being excruciating. A little disclaimer here. this is just my opinion and pain level is different from person to person. 

This area i would say is best to start whit, especially front thighs, you can hardly feel anything and ink stays on well and the healing proses is easy 
pain level 1

upper arms
I have two half sleeves and i would say this is the least painful place to get tattooed but of course after 3 hours you will feel sore, i give it a 
 painlevel 2

under arms:
A tiny bit more sore here because of the skin is much more sensitive and thin, its more of a strong stinging sensation but again nothing too bad
give this pain level 3

I actually find this area really painful and uncomfortable. the skin is so thin so the nerves are much more exposed, it also gets quickly irritated and struggles to heal cos of constant movement
pain level 6

hands and fingers
this area isn't so painful as you would think, the skin is a bit more tough there, but this is also one of the places where its extremely hard to let the ink stay, for the ink not to bleed out or scab. It will almost every time guarantee scab pretty bad and the ink will fall out, i had to redo mine 3 times and it still isn't perfect. Keep it in mind that tattoos get more painful for each time you redo the tattoo because of scar tissue
pain level 8

neck and throat
this the tattoo I'm most asked about, people assume this was the most painful one, it was certainly the one that took the longest because its an awkward place for the tattoo artist to work, but it was not too bad and it healed perfectly fine. I also had a good tattoo artist that made it a pleasant experience  
pain level 4

I went in for this tattoo thinking it would be a piece of cake, i was so wrong. This is such a sensitive area and i was in for an 6 hour intense tattoo session. At the end i was happy whit it, ink stayed in fine but the pain of it all was horrible and i will not do such a big tattoo on my fot again. Sadly mine got infected as it is a area hard to keep clean. My foot swell up so much i couldn't walk for 3 months. It tok me 2 years for my scars on my leg to heal after my whole leg turned black and i started to get wounds  So i would suggest do a tattoo when u know u can keep it clean for at least a week, and start off whit a small tattoo 
pain level 6

oh god, the ribs....for me it felt like being stabbed in the ribs by a knife for 7 hours. it was so painfull, never again
pain level 9

Sadly this is the area i find most painful, it feels like someone is cutting up your skin whit a scalpel on fire. The ink does not stick to the skin there ether so probably have to fill that one up during the next 4 years. Not recommended unless you are already heavily tattooed and know what you are getting yourself in to 
pain level 10

I find tattoos and generally bodymods interesting, this is something people have been doing for 1000s of years, from the mayans to tribes in Africa today that still streaches their necks. Its tradition, but also looked down on because some bad people. In some parts of the world its still looked down on and can even make it difficult getting certain type of jobs or people judge you. I find it beautiful, it makes you unique and the history is so interesting.

Reintroduction in the Western world 

That tattooing was somehow "reintroduced" to the "Western world" is a myth.Tattooing has been present in Western society consistently from the beginnings of western society in Ancient Greece. Although Captain James Cook's voyages to the South Pacific imported the Polynesian word "tatau" (as "tattow", later changed to "tattoo"), tattooing was not novel at the time. A long history of European tattoo predated these voyages including pilgrimage tattooing in the Holy Land and at sites in Europe and tattoos on traveling explorers among Native Americans.


In Taiwan, facial tattoos of the Atayal tribe are called "ptasan"; they are used to demonstrate that an adult man can protect his homeland, and that an adult woman is qualified to weave cloth and perform housekeeping.Taiwan is believed to be the point of origin of all the Austronesian peoples which includes Filipinos, Indonesians, Polynesians and Malagasy. Peoples with strong tattoo traditions which indicates that this tradition may have came with their ancestors from Taiwan. As some Taiwanese tribes still practicing it until today

Egypt and India

In Southern India, permanent tattoos are called pachakutharathu. It was very common in south India, especially Tamil Nadu, before 1980. In northern India, permanent tattoos are called godna. Tattoos have been used as cultural symbols among many tribal populations, as well as the caste-based Hindu population of India.
Henna was used as a bodyart dye, called Mehndi, in ancient india . It still remains popular today in the Indian subcontinent, and its use now encompasses the entire Middle east and  North africa. Evidence only supports the use of Henna as a hair dye (and a medicinal plant) in ancient Egypt. 
In Egypt the majority of tattoos were found on females. It would tell you the status of that individual. They had tattoos for healing, religion, and as a form of punishment.
Tattoos were probably also used in ancient medicine as part of the treatment of the patient. In 1898, Daniel Fouquet, a medical doctor of Cairo, wrote an article on “medical tattooing” practices in ancient Egypt in which he describes the tattooed markings on the female mummies found at the Deir el-Bahari site. He speculated that the tattoos and other scarifications observed on the bodies may have served a medicinal or therapeutic purpose.


In Persian culture, tattooing, body painting, and body piercing has been around for thousands of years. The statues and stone carvings remained from Achaemenid Empire (550–330 BCE) prove existence of body piercing and earrings on ancient Persian gods, kings, and even soldiers. The most famous literal document about Persian tattoo goes back to about 800 years ago when Rumi, the famous Persian poet, narrates a story about a man who proudly asks to get a lion tattoo but he changes his mind once he experiences the pain coming out of the tattoo needle.

Kristine xx

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Top 5 lipsticks

These are my top 5 favourite lipsticks atm

First one I'm going to start off whit is the bourjois rouge edition velvet in the colour 07 Nude-ist. I have a love\hate relationship whit these lipsticks, i have heard so much amazing things about them on youtube and they have been massively hyped up so i went out and bought myself 3 of them from boots. The price is around 70 kr which is not too bad. The 3 colours i got was peach club, nud-ist and grand-cru.
The one i was most excited about was grand cru, but i found it difficult to blend, so most disappointed whit that one. Peach club is a really nice colour and it last for ages and easy to blend, but not one of my top 5. But... nude-ist is such a lovely colour, its a dark nude colour, it has a mat finish and stays on all day so you don't have to keep reapplying. It is also one of those lipsticks you can easily apply whiteout a mirror. I might give the rest of the range a go just because I'm a sucker for mat lipsticks, hopefully i find out what the hype is about. 

Next on the list, you might have noticed i keep saying top 5 but you counted 6 in the photo? thats because the two mat lipsticks I'm going to mention now its two lipsticks i always use together, its my go to lipsticks for everyday use. The first colour i apply is a rimmel lipstick from their Kate moss collection called 03 rossetto. its a matt finish lipstick whit a slight brown colour to it which i find does not suit my skin colour just on its own, so the one i use over that again is a sheer lipstick whit a pink shine to it called 820 pink cognito from revolts super lustrous range. With this colour on top, it creates the perfect mat lip that suits me and my skin tone for every day use. these two lipsticks where around 70 kr 

My favourite lipsticks of all time is from Lush, these cost around 120 kr. My two favourites its the hot pink one whit a metallic sheen to it called passionate and the ultimate red  called ambition. The texture of this lipstick is amazing, it glides on so easily, with a brush that makes it easy to stay inside the lines. Its a super long lasting, you can eat and drink and that lipstick won't budge. What i love most about this pink is that it has a lovely metallic shine to it even after application which i have never seen before and the formula does not dry your lips out at all. Ambition has also a slight metallic sheen to it but in this one u can't really see it after you apply it to your lips, after application this deep red has more of a mat finish to it, its the ultimate red which every girl needs in her makeup collection. 

My last lipstick is mac rebel which cost me 130 kr, i usually don't go for expensive lipsticks like this but i thought i should treat my self after drooling after that lipstick for 6 months. What i love about this lipstick is how versatile it is, you can build it up, if u dap it slightly on to your lips it works as a lip tint, put on a bit more it turns in to a lovely light plum colour, layer it more u get a amazing dark vampy colour which is perfect for autumn.

Prepping your lips

Its always important to prep your lips before applying lipstick, especially if u want it to be long lasting. If you are going for a mat lipstick that can be a bit drying for the lips its important to use an sugar exfoliant on the lips to get off excess skin and moisturise afterwords whit a lip balm and leave it for a bit while you finish the rest of your makeup so it can sink in. Before applying it you should also use a lip primer, this will have the effect that makes the lipstick stay on longer and the colour will not be affected by your natural lip colour which can usually happen if you have dark lips. If you are going for a darker lip i would suggest to use a lipliner, this will keep the lipstick in place so it doesn't start bleeding out during the day. After applying your lipstick you should finish off whit a lip coat to seal it. Put one coat on, let it dry then push your lips against some paper and then apply another coat. If you follow these steps i guarantee you the lipstick will stay on much longer.

Kristine xx 

Autumn key essentials &
how to style them 

I don't know about you guys but autumn is getting closer and I'm pretty excited. Autumn is my favourite time of the year because fashion is at its best. Its not too warm outside and not too cold, you can wear a nice dress and just put a jacket over and your set to go. Its also the time of the year that they use my favourite colours like burgundy red, mustard yellow, dark blue and ofc black, which is always a classic and you can never go wrong whit black. 

What seems to be big this autumn is faux fur Gilet and fedora hats. If you invest in key pieces in your wardrobe that never goes out of fashion like a leather jacket then you can re-use it plenty of times and get your moneys worth. I took out my my favourite autumn staples from my wardrobe and dusted them off. I will show you how i would style them and where i got it from.

The key pieces i chose to work whit was:
classic leather jacket, maxi dress, leather boots, fedora hat, high waisted mom jeans, leather trousers, statement jacket, Giles and a checkered shirt. 

boho rock chick

This is probably the favourite look i created for you guys. I love the combination of the rough leather jacket and the romantic lace boho dress that drapes down perfectly and goes all the way down to your ankles. Combine that whit the fedora hat and leather boots whit a casual heal.The long maxi dress and the heels makes you look taller and slimmer, the leather jacket stops just at your waist to accentuate the most narrow part of your body. I styled it whit a beautiful leather bag whit flower carvings on it. This is an outfit perfect for a concert or coffee whit the girls if you don't mind looking fabulous and standing out from the crowd.  

leather jacket: H&m 399 kr 
Dress: forever21 399 kr
fedora hat: new look 130 kr 
leather boots: sparkjop 299 kr 
bag: primark 50 kr 

Casual boho

This look is to be worn in the warmer days before autumn gets at its coldest, its a beautiful lace vest and high waisted mom jeans to just show some skin but not too much. Just showing a few inches of your waist can where you are most narrow can be quite flattering. The staple piece i styled up here is the mom jeans. Popular this summer but i have a feeling that they wont go out of trend soon. this is a good look for a last bbq party or maybe cinema whit friends. 

fedora hat: new look 130 kr
vest top: forever21 150 kr
jeans: new look 199 kr
boots: sparkjop 299 kr 

sporty rock chick 
This outfit is all about comfort but still looking fabulous, whit the big warm oversized boyfriend coat and the boyfriend tee, this outfit feels nice and snugly while the leather pants and the small studded bag gives it a more edgy look. Style it whit a pair of cool looking joggers and your ready to go, comfortable but fabulous. this outfit is perfect for running errands or travelling.

jacket: primark 150 kr 
leather trousers: H&M 299
boyfriend t shirt: primark 50 kr 
bag: topshop vintage section 799 kr 
jogging shoes: din sko 299 kr

Gypsy queen 

A outfit it looks like you put much effort in but yet so comfortable, whit a oversized t shirt, a soft cotton embroider jacket from topshops premium range and a gilet that feels so soft to the touch, pair it up whit black stockings, some tbar shoes and a oversized bag for a smart look. This is a great outfit for back to school or to wear at airports where you want too feel comfortable, warm and not too restrained.

tshirt dress: primark 50 kr 
jacket: topshop 700kr
gilet: new look 399 kr
tbar shoes: new look 200 kr 
bag: primark 70 kr 

Fancy lumberjack 

this is quite a casual look but whit the right details you can make an boring ordinary shirt look much more exciting, this look i styled my checkered shirt whit my gilet from forever 21 to give it more of an interesting look and more texture. since this shirt is oversized you can style it whit black stockings, knee high socks or just wear it whit bare legs, remember if you do wear it whit bare legs, ad some fake tan to them to give them a bronzed sun kissed look. This is an outfit perfect for shopping.

oversized shirt: Monki 299
gilet: forever21 150 kr
bag: primark 50 kr
shoes: new look 299 kr 


As accessories i picked out leather boots and bags, fedora hat, big round sunglasses, hair chain whit flowers in a burgundy colour, weary suitable for autumn, and the jewellery has a bohemian gypsy inspired look

boots:spar kjop 299     
hat: new look 130
bag:primark 50 kr 
hairchain: forever21 60 kr
jewlery: and indiska 
watch: gina tricot 299 


the classic dark vampy look 

This look is something that comes in to fashion every autumn, might not be for everyone but you can tone it down to suit you more. This look is great whit outfits that are layered, textured and leather a bit rock chick casual.. 

or the natural nude lip look

 Whit contour to give a slight tan to the skin whit suits really good if your going for the bohemian style. 

Kristine xx 

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Fashion inspirations and role models 

Thought i would kick this blog off with my fashion role models and who inspires me so you guys can get more of a sense what my style is and who i get my inspirations from, and how to find your fashion inspirations. If i have to explain my style whit a few words i would say bohemian casual rock chick, a bit mixture of everything but must say the bohemian style is my favourite. love everything that can look so beautiful but yet effortless. 

Remember, to build up your own personal style, pick your style inspiration. Everything from makeup, hair and clothes. Does that style fit your body type? if not then is it some personal twists u can add to it to make it fit better? go trough your wardrobe, does anything in there fit that style? if yes keep it, and the rest of the stuff really think about if you want it in your wardrobe, important to throw away your old style to be able to start off fresh, give the clothes away that u have not used for at least a year, you won't miss any of that. Do a good deed by giving it away to charity, u declutter your closet but also at the same time help out other people! 

In the proses of finding your own personal style u also must think about...what is going to be your "thing" your signature look. me for example would say its my winged eyeliner, bold lipsticks and my oversized clothes and fedora hat. this is a key thing to find your personal style, this is what makes you stand out from other people.

In my closet i usually keep my basic stuff like jeans and t shirts. And on my clothing rail so every one can see i keep my statement pieces from everything like my leather jacket, high waisted jeans to my maxi dresses, basically the clothes you really want to remind yourself that you have and really want to show off. Then after being good and throwing away some stuff, you get to go out to buy some essential pieces to tie your style together, and vola! hopefully you found your own personal style  

And remember! 

Trying too hard is never a good look and feeling comfortable whit what your wearing is so important. So don't only wear something because someone else looked good in it or its "in fashion". Fashion changes everyday and u can't always keep up whit it nor are u expected too. Wear what u feel good in and u can make anything look beautiful. Remember confidence is the key ;) 

The first inspiration I'm going to start off whit is Alexa Chung. 

I'm pretty sure that anyone that likes to call them self a fashionista knows this name, Famous for many things but what i find inspiring whit her is how effortless she looks at all time. One of the few people that can pull of the "i just got out of bed" look and make it look so fabulous.  What inspires me the most whit her is her boho effortless hair, i loved it especially when she had her ombre hair, i would take it so far to say that she was the one that really started that trend. also her 60's inspired makeup, from pale lips, natural eyebrows and precision winged eyeliner 

the next fashion role model for me is Florence welsh

she is the singer in the band Florence+the machine. One of my favourite singers of all time whit her unique voice but also such a inspiring person when it comes to style as well. She is often dressed up by the biggest designers, but again such a down to earth personality. What inspires me whit her is first of all her amazing bohemian dresses and her bold signature dark red lips, love the fact that she pulls it off for even a casual look and her big fedora hats. she also quite often wears colours like mustard and burgundy which is one of my favourite colours

The last fashion inspiration I'm going to talk about are the queens of bohemian and great personal style

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen 

Whit their long natural sun kissed wavy boho hair and their smokey eyes, these twins are big in the fashion industry, great sense of style and every single outfit inspiring.

What i love about them is their bohemian casual dress sense and their naturally long wavy hair

my next blog post will be about wardrobe key essentials and autumn must haves and how to style them!

hope you enjoyed reading this and found it useful.  

Kristine xx